All posts by Susan Dench

Susan Dench

About Susan Dench

Susan Dench is the founder and president of the fast-growing non-profit, non-partisan Informed Women's Network. Recognizing that many women are tired of "politics as usual," Susan decided to take action and develop strategies that are innovating the way women and politics intersect, nurturing and encouraging women in fun, energetic gatherings where views can be expressed in a supportive environment and then translated into practical solutions that produce results.

On Independence Day, liberty and learning each lean on the other

As we celebrate our nation’s independence with hamburgers on the grill, a rousing rendition of Tchaikovsky’s 1812 Overture and the requisite fireworks to round out the day, it’s a good time to ponder what the founding fathers would make of our educational approach today. A free public education is an American tenet going back to […]

Schooled: How public schools can improve on a dime

In 2010, then-Mayor Cory Booker brought Gov. Chris Christie on board to bring cutting-edge educational reform to Newark, New Jersey’s miserably failing schools through philanthropic donations, which bypass the need for public review of spending. Although admitting he didn’t know much about education reform, Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg stuck his big toe into the philanthropy […]

Obama’s presidency, as seen by the president on TV

Wow, thank goodness they have cable television at the White House. Otherwise the president would be completely in the dark about what’s happening in our country. White House spokesman Jay Carney wants us to believe that Obama learned about his Veteran’s Affairs secret off-the-books waiting lists scandal the way the rest of us did — […]

The irony of feminizing schools

In a recent column I addressed some of the reasons for the gender wage gap, including the “mommy track,” prioritized commitments and poor negotiating skills. Now there’s evidence that shows women are much less self-assured than men, leading to a so-called “confidence gap.” Most women can relate to this. On a recent flight, I couldn’t […]

How to connect with the conservative woman voter

As we hurtle toward the November elections, every candidate wants to engage women voters. It has nothing to do with popularity (although who doesn’t love that?) but “there are more women than men overall, more women registered to vote, and a higher female turnout rate,” Dianne Bystrom, director of Iowa State University’s Carrie Chapman Catt […]