Category Archives: Conservatives

How to connect with the conservative woman voter

As we hurtle toward the November elections, every candidate wants to engage women voters. It has nothing to do with popularity (although who doesn’t love that?) but “there are more women than men overall, more women registered to vote, and a higher female turnout rate,” Dianne Bystrom, director of Iowa State University’s Carrie Chapman Catt […]

Taking on the (pink) elephant in the room

Perhaps the president of Dartmouth College has finally said what many other university administrators are feeling. Philip Hanlon didn’t mince words when he spoke to a group of student leaders, faculty and alumni earlier this month. He offered a withering critique of his own school, saying that its future “is being hijacked by extreme and […]

On minimum wage, the free market should be able to do its thing

The latest wealth redistribution plan is picking up speed this election year, complete with the requisite Obamanomics propaganda machine rolling into town. In this case it’s Washington, D.C.-based Americans United for Change bringing in the PR juggernaut on a well-appointed bus. Portland Mayor Mike Brennan and gubernatorial hopeful U.S. Rep. Mike Michaud have jumped on […]

Don’t let the food police get away with these half-baked ideas

While we’ve all had a good laugh (at least I hope you did) at former New York City Mayor Mike Bloomberg’s decrees on 16-ounce sodas, calorie counts and trans fats, there are many other instances of the government’s irrational need to tell everyone else how to live and coerce them into compliance. Some more examples of government […]

The new normal: A lack of civility

As we commemorate Presidents’ Day this week, it’s a good time to take a glimpse of the man George Washington was destined to become by dusting off his Rules of Civility & Decent Behaviour In Company and Conversation. Written by our first president as a teenager, the document is still relevant today (although we hope we […]