Category Archives: Feminism

The irony of feminizing schools

In a recent column I addressed some of the reasons for the gender wage gap, including the “mommy track,” prioritized commitments and poor negotiating skills. Now there’s evidence that shows women are much less self-assured than men, leading to a so-called “confidence gap.” Most women can relate to this. On a recent flight, I couldn’t […]

Taking on the (pink) elephant in the room

Perhaps the president of Dartmouth College has finally said what many other university administrators are feeling. Philip Hanlon didn’t mince words when he spoke to a group of student leaders, faculty and alumni earlier this month. He offered a withering critique of his own school, saying that its future “is being hijacked by extreme and […]

Is discrimination the only explanation for the wage gap?

As Equal Pay Day rolls around, crusading politicians President Barack Obama and gubernatorial hopeful U.S. Rep. Mike Michaud, D-2nd District, misleadingly trot out Bureau of Labor Statistics data stating that women make 77 cents for every dollar a man earns — for the same work or in the same job. While the narrative sounds like […]

Schoolboys should be taught to grow into real men, not women

Let’s face it, we women love James Bond. We love real men, manly men who do manly things. But it’s complicated. We’ve told the “new man” that he is supposed to be sensitive, caring and nurturing — all feminine traits. When we ask males to deny their testosterone-driven attributes we are denying nature. And then […]

Sex, binge drinking to sell Obamacare? How not to market insurance

It’s an old marketing maxim — sex sells. And since nothing else is helping Obamacare sell (fewer than 27,000 people have successfully signed up for health insurance through the dangerously insecure federal Obamacare website), supporters in Colorado have decided to give this notion a try. A raunchy ad campaign by ProgressNow Colorado and the Colorado […]

Yes to wine tasting, no to sex trafficking victim protection: Where’s the feminist outrage now?

Rep. Amy Volk, R-Scarborough, found herself at once horrified and inspired. After reading a report by the Polaris Project ranking Maine in the bottom half of states for anti-human trafficking laws and listening to the co-founder of a human trafficking rescue organization speak at her church, she decided to introduce a bill that would let courts vacate the criminal […]